Friday, October 2, 2009

Hot Mic

Dear Diary-
Well the festivities have begun. It's time for the Latin Food and Wine Fest! Today I was on the radio with Dave and Leslye on Magic 107.7.... well i was all flustered because I got lost going there in the dark at 6:30am. And the tint on my windows is WAY too dark and illegal to see so I couldn't even find the building because i couldn't see the numbers after i got onto the right street. But I finally made it into the studio and sat down to promote to the Latin Food and Wine Fest. What a fun way to start my morning. But... I'm dead tired. I was awake all night fearing I was going to be late. Which i was... first off because the alarm didn't go off but i was wide awake and saw that i had to get up and then because i was lost in a maze of black streets and look alike buildings. Regardless- it was a blast. As will tonight- i can't wait to meet all the other chefs!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Awesome! Go get 'em, Jen!!